Sunday, February 16, 2014

5 simple tips for losing weight in just 1 day

by Emily Abbateweightloss

Let’s be real: There is no easy way to drop those pesky 10 pounds you’ve been trying to get rid of overnight. If there were some magical medical fix, it would cost a freakin’ fortune! With summer on the horizon, so many of us are looking for ways to trim down if only a little with the promise of tank tops, bathing suits, and shorts in our immediate future. Plain and simple: It ain’t easy.
With that said, there are a few ways you can look better by the end of the day. I know, it sounds outlandish. But hey, we’ll take all the tips we can get right? Check out 5 ways to trim down and beat the bloat by the end of today:

1. Skip the salt: A diet high in sodium is never a good idea. The extra salt makes you feel bloated because of fluid buildup, increasing your blood volume, and causing your heart to work extra hard. Lower your sodium intake, and BAM, you’ll feel instantly better.
2. Get up off the couch: There are many, many studies that say that being active increases bowel movements, which is obviously good for weight loss and a healthy digestive system. Even better news? Bowels are even more consistent when you’re exercising at the same time each day. Morning run, anyone?
3. Up your water intake: Plain and simple — upping your water ups your fluids, and upping your fluids helps flush waste out of your system and reduces water retention.
4. Eat smaller meals more often: Research has found that people who eat two or three big meals a day consume way more calories than those who eat smaller, more frequent meals. Smaller, healthier meals will keep you satisfied and reduce the risk of binge eating come dinnertime.
5. Skip happy hour: Of course skipping any unnecessary meals is a dead give-in. However, having a few cocktails while you eat a meal stops your body from processing the good nutrients in the food you’re eating. Instead, your body burns empty calories and stores the others, which are otherwise healthy, as fat.
Read this article in  The Stir

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