By Donrich David
Obama 666 Program Is The Marc of Beast Ushering In Armageddon, is Not A Joke.
Is just like what happened in the bible, John the baptist was the one who prophesied the coming of Christ, from his mothers womb and also baptize him to greatness in the river, but one thing that seem to elude John the baptise is that he was not expecting Christ the king to just ushered into the earth just like that,like a common man and that was still the reason why majority of the Israelite didn't believe that Christ is the redeemer and the Messiah they have been expecting to come as promised.
So what am trying to say is that what is going on now is the fulfilment of the scripture and we shouldn't expect that what is going on in America is just a program but the ushering in of the Armageddon bcos devil is crafty man and if we are not careful he will crafticalise us to hell.
beside America is the capital of this world and if America is not used which country are you expecting, Chinese or India? know!
America is the world power and the today world is electronic world, so information travel faster than be for and America is the hub of information....so we have to becareful bcos everybody is doing this or that doesnt make it right and will never make it right.
(Also See:Obamacare, Wall Street, RFID Chips and 666)
The Bible
A hesitant fear about the RFID chip, its capabilities and the government’s plan for it is slowly and quietly sweeping the nation. Once a mere conspiracy theory among Christian fundamentalists and anti-government rebels, the idea of the RFID chip being the historic ‘Mark of the Beast’ is now raising its head in more and more circles, but nowhere more so than America’s religious communities.
From the Catholic Bible
Apocalypse 13:16-18 – ‘And it will cause all, the small and the great and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, to have a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and it will bring it about that no one may be able to buy or sell, except him who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of its name. Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.’
From the King James Version
Revelation 13:16-18 – ‘And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.’
666 Micro Chip Implant Coming March 23, 2013 via Oboma care... will be fully implemented world wide end of 2017 The program as they explain is good but if 666 part of it is not evil tell me how it will just occur to any man to tag it 666 that number shouldn't enter your mind in case if you are thinking of any easy number to use as a Christain.
You can't wish for the scripture not to be fulfil, i would have say that any right thinking Christain in America not to vote for Obama as the solution but i want every body to know that the Armageddon is here and 666 is mark to hell!
don't you ever take the make if you dont want to go to hell.
Note: can you believe what i just received from text just now as am writing this article?
Some one just send me a text that some people received 666 on their forehead @computer village ikeja as they received call from 08016660666.
although i dont use to believe all that but how come i have to receive the text when i was writing about 666, so that is to tell you that a lot is going on.
I love this comment from a brother
"When hell freezes over....I used to hate getting older...now I'm glad because I will not be around that much longer to see my country go completely to hell. I fear for the younger people because they will not remember or even know what it was like to live a free life, to be able to go where you want and when yu want without being monitored. When the governemnt implants these chips...AND THEY WILL EVENTUALLY...you will be under their total control...If you do not do as you are told or expcted to do, they will Zap you, if you disagree with the government on anything, they will Zap you...if you venture off the 'Plantation'/'Reservation', (whatever you want to call it)...they will Zap you. You will not be able to buy anything but what you are told to buy...or they will ZAP you, once your chip is zapped, you basically will not exist anymore...you will not be able to buy food, go anywhere or do anything but sit and die. Hell of a world that is well on it's way thanks to the democrats and the progressives who seem to think this is a good thing...but I have to wonder if they honestly believe it will enclude them...or if they think it is just for the other people...you know...the conservatives, who want to hold on to the ideas of freedom and liberty and a way of life that was NOT UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTROL!
Posted by Jenny Brown on Mar 7th, 201'"
This comment is wonderful! so what do you think about Obama signing 666 into law
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