Earlier in the week, the news went viral that veteran actor, Jide Kosoko was assaulted and beaten by video club owners. It was said that the actor who is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Video Rental Operators of Nigeria was mediating in a crisis in the association when he was assaulted and injured during a fracas. But the actor, in a telephone chat with Saturday Beats, said he was never beaten.
Kosoko, who was reluctant to talk about the incident as it was against his principle to grant telephone interview however said it was impossible for anybody to beat him up.
"I was never beaten up. I am a member of the board of trustees of the Video Rental Operators of Nigeria and there was a crisis in the association. I was there to mediate and find way to resolve the crisis. While that was happening, there was a fracas with the video club owners as they began fighting one another. Someone threw a plastic bottled water and it hit me in the eye. That was it," he said.
Confirming what her father said, Sola Kosoko said it was impossible for anybody to beat her father up.
Sola said she heard about the story on the radio and wondered how they came up with such story. She said, "I heard about the news on radio but how could anyone have beaten up my father? It is not possible."
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